Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) Policy is aimed at ensuring that the company adheres to the International Organization for Standardization, corporate social responsibility, good practices and good corporate governance.
This Policy applies to all company’s employees to continuously develop a sustainable relationship with the local community and to strengthen the company’s reputation to the general public.
The CSR Policy and work is written and carried out based on the company’s Social and Environmental Mitigation Plan, Sustainable Development Policy, and the company’s Code of Conduct.

To achieve the company’s CSR objective, the following principles shall be applied, but not limited to:
Corporate Governance | The company shall operate business in accordance with good corporate governance, business ethics with transparency, accountabilities and respects for human rights and fair treatment to all stakeholders including our employees, shareholders, customers, suppliers and the communities. |
Human Rights and Employment Practices | The company shall abide by the human rights principles, related laws and regulations and fair treatment and equality to all employees. |
Customers and Stakeholders Relations | The company shall place importance on customer needs to ensure sustainable relationship with customer and to achieve ultimate customer satisfaction. Likewise, the company shall also expect ethical business practice and fair treatment from its suppliers to ensure sustainable relationship and creating shared value to all. |
Environmental Care and Sustainable Development | The company shall promote and emphasize on environmental protection and environmental development activities to protect and reduce impact on the environment and community from its business operations by adhering to the highest regulatory standards. |
Community and Social Development | The company shall place importance on participating and supporting sustainable development in the communities surrounding its operation sites and society at large. |
Labour Practice | The company should uphold the freedom of association and the effective recognition of the right to collective bargaining. |
Anti-bribery & Corruption | The company shall operate the business ethically and transparently to ensure that all business policies, rules and provisions are strictly followed. |
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