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Chip Mong Insee Cement will promote and secure the health and safety of all employees, contractors and visitors at our workplaces and commits to abide with all Cambodian Laws and Regulations concerning Occupational Health and Safety.

Through a pro-active safety leadership approach, we still strive to prevent all injuries and illnesses by providing a safe workplace, safe systems of work, all necessary safety equipment, training in operating procedures and by enforcing strict safety rules.

We will recognize and reward good safety performance where appropriate.

All EXCO members, Area Owners, Managers and Supervisors are responsible for enforcing and maintaining the Occupational Health and Safety standards, rules and regulations in the areas under their control.

Every employee and contractor has the right and the duty to take appropriate action to mitigate any unsafe condition.

Every employee and contractor has a personal responsibility for safety.

We will set achievable targets for Occupational Health and Safety performance indicators with year on year improvement with the aim of our ultimate objective of “Zero Harm”.